2024-05-17 13:12:07

Azure IoT Hub

Managed service to enable bi-directional communication between IoT devices and Azure

  • Company Name : Microsoft Azure

  • About Solution :

    Enable highly secure and reliable communication between your IoT application and the devices it manages. Azure IoT Hub provides a cloud-hosted solution backend to connect virtually any device. Extend your solution from the cloud to the edge with per-device authentication, built-in device management and scaled provisioning.



    Establish bidirectional communication with billions of IoT devices



    Use device-to-cloud telemetry data to understand the state of your devices and define message routes to other Azure services—without writing any code. In cloud-to-device messages, reliably send commands and notifications to your connected devices and track message delivery with acknowledgment receipts. Automatically resend device messages as needed to accommodate intermittent connectivity



    Authenticate every device for enhanced security



    Set up individual identities and credentials for each of your connected devices to help retain the confidentiality of both cloud-to-device and device-to-cloud messages. Selectively revoke access rights for specific devices as needed.



    Automate device provisioning to accelerate IoT deployment



    Register and provision devices with zero touches, in a highly secure and scalable way. IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service supports any type of IoT device compatible with IoT Hub.



    Extend the power of the cloud to your edge devices



    Easily create and deploy IoT Edge modules to transmit code and services between the cloud and the edge. Distribute intelligence—including AI and other advanced analytics—across a range of devices. All while reducing your IoT application costs, easing development efforts and running devices offline or with intermittent connectivity.




  1. Feature 1 : Security-enhanced communication channel for sending and receiving data from IoT devices
  2. Feature 2 : Built-in device management and provisioning to connect and manage IoT devices at scale
  3. Feature 3 : Full integration with Event Grid and serverless compute, simplifying IoT application development
  1. USP 1 : Compatibility with Azure IoT Edge for building hybrid IoT applications
  1. Price 1 : 29 - per month
  1. Feedback 1 : Simple IOT solution
  2. Feedback 2 : value for money
  3. Feedback 3 : Enhanced security
  1. Story 1 : "Azure and IoT services have helped us get much closer to our ambition to help customers operate at water-neutral." Christophe Beck, Executive Vice President and President, Nalco Water
  2. Story 2 : "The innovation and flexibility of the Azure platform gave us confidence that the IoT capabilities in Azure were the best choice for us." Siddhartha Kulkarni, Head of Equipment IoT, Maersk
  3. Story 3 : "By analyzing sensor data from a connected car in Azure, drivers can see alerts about engine issues and metrics about gas consumption and driving performance, such as idle time. They can also configure their own recipe for rating their driving style and then drill down for details." Roberto Silvestri, IoT Platform and Hybrid Cloud Services Director, TEXA
